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Need immediate emotional support? Call 988 to connect to a counselor who can help. Our specialists provide confidential care 24/7. Because we all need help sometimes.
Pain isn’t always obvious, but most suicidal people show some signs that they are thinking about suicide. The signs may appear in conversations, through their actions, or in social media posts. If you observe one or more of these warning signs, especially if the behavior is new, has increased, or seems related to a painful event, loss, or change, step in or speak up.
The Mental Health Plan (MHP) in each county is responsible for providing or arranging for the provision of Specialty Mental Health Services (SMHS) to Medi-Cal beneficiaries in their county. SMHS means the impact of the beneficiary’s condition is severe enough for him/her to require the services of a specialist as opposed to a generalist in the field of mental health.
When you call or text Teen Line, another teen will be there to listen, understand, and answer your questions. Many of our callers are talking to someone about what they’re going through for the first time. Our teen listeners are aware of that and try to make you as comfortable as possible.
When you call or text Teen Line, we won’t judge you or tell you what to do. We will listen to you and work with you to find a way to improve your situation.
GritX is your judgment free guide to facing life challenges and personal growth. Learn scientifically proven, therapeutic exercises by our team of experts from the University of California, San Francisco. Something on your mind? Chat with GritX, our emotionally intelligent, conversational AI. Feeling adventurous? Embark on a GritXpedition and get in depth skill building resources. We put our tools in your hands completely free.
We're here for you
Our trained counselors understand the challenges LGBTQ young people face. They will listen without judgment. All of your conversations are confidential, and you can share as much or as little as you’d like.
Call, text or live chat. Always free, Always human. Parents Anonymous® Inc. launched the California Parent & Youth Helpline in partnership with Governor Gavin Newsom as part of his initiative to address the impacts of COVID-19. Since 1969, Parents Anonymous® has provided weekly evidence-based support groups for parents, children and youth nationwide.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness provides a wealth of resources, including the NAMI Helpline, which can be reached by calling 1-800-950-6264 or by emailing Although the helpline is only available Monday through Friday from 10AM until 8PM EST, there is a 24/7 text-line available. Simply text ‘NAMI’ to 741-741 for assistance.
NAMI offers FREE parent workshops on how to care for a loved one with mental health needs. Lived experience is one of the main benefits
The HEARD Alliance’s mission is to increase collaboration amongst primary care, mental health and educational professionals, to enhance the community’s ability to promote well-being, to treat depression and related conditions and to prevent suicide in adolescents and young adults.
This website is a place for primary care, mental health, school professionals, and families to access and use resources created or compiled by the HEARD Alliance. Although the HEARD Alliance is focused on the
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger because of thoughts of suicide Please call 911 now
Mental Health Disorder Fact Sheets
Fact Sheets on 16 common Mental Health Disorders by Minnesota Association for Children's Mental Health .